At this time, Dr. Nidhi Trivedi is only providing individual Psychotherapy to clients.
While I do not provide Couples Therapy and Family Therapy, I will occasionally accept clients who are unable to find a provider fluent in Gujarati and Hindi. I will be more than happy to find referrals for other clients interested in seeking couples therapy.
Dr. Trivedi is providing Psychotherapy to clients for the following clinical presentations:
* Anxiety
* Depression
* Trauma
* Substance use
* Grief
* Meaning-making and Existential issues
* Identity and Acculturation issues
* Adjustment issues due to immigration
* Substance Abuse
* Sleep, Diet, Exercise, and Weight Loss
* Women’s issues, infertility and Post-partum Depression.
* WALKING THERAPY in the 60618 area.
Dr Trivedi is also offering limited WALKING THERAPY slots in the 60618 neighborhood in Chicago.